Search Engine Optimisation

Get seen on Google

A page conversion chart for SEO

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Because search is one of the main ways in which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website, it is essentially a digital marketing skill used to rank a website making sure it appears on the 1st page of Google.

So, in short, SEO is the only means in getting your website on the 1st page of Google leading to more sales and leads for your projects or business. 

A page conversion chart for SEO

Does my site need optimising for SEO?

The short answer to that is No! not necessarily, I mean, if you want a website that has an online presence but can only be seen if customers or clients directly type in your domain (www.) than by all means that is fine, however, it isn’t the most effective if you want to drive traffic towards your website leading to leads and sales.

Having a well structured site with the addition of SEO gives your website a fighting chance against the many other businesses and agencies out there competing with each other in the same industry. The point in having SEO is so that customers or clients who have not heard of your company, service or agency will be able to find it using specific keywords.

Our SEO services are the driving force behind getting your website noticed on the world's most popular search engine, Google.

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At Digital Designs we can prioritise tasks to ensure you get the very best results. One month we may put more time into PPC to create campaigns for a new product; another month we may work mainly on SEO to improve rankings for a group of keywords. As your chosen digital marketing company, we’ll get you the results you need.


Without SEO your website will not be indexed by Google which makes it much harder for customers to find your website using specific keywords. At Digital Designs we focus on:

PPC Campaign

Paid search marketing is a powerful channel for business growth. Digital Designs creates results-driven PPC campaigns, with targets that reflect our clients’ long-term strategies.

Rise to the top

Increase Sales

When it comes to increasing sales and traffic, Search Engines depend on multiple factors to rank a website. SEO is essential for your website and for your business to gain traction when it comes to increasing your sales. We have a great team of SEO researchers to cover your needs.

count on us

The SEO Experts

From technical audits to keyword research, from strategy division to its implementation, On-Page SEO is majorly what gets you to rank at difficult positions. Allow our technical experts to provide you a free SEO consultation session for your website.

Ahh! Perfect

Best Practices

With the help of our SEO Audit report, we can find and fix on-site issues and boost SEO-optimisation. Moreover, we provide an actionable, clear, and prioritized list of recommendations to help you improve your website ranking and online visibility

Shot of a laptop displaying a business related website on a table at home

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Search engines look at 3 primary factors when trying to understand all of the websites in their index: authority, relevancy, and crawlability. 

Authority is a measure of how reputable your website is in the eyes of Google and other search engines. Sticking with our pie example, authority is a measure of how big your pie is.

Everybody loves pie, so focus on making yours as big as possible.

Relevancy helps Google to understand what your website is about so it can send the right people to your website. In other words, Relevancy is all about making that 50% of your pie that comes from search engines taste better. Nobody wants a lot of bad pie, so as your pie gets bigger, it becomes more and more important to focus on relevancy.

If you type “Houses” into Google, Google will sift through billions of webpages and order them based on how trustworthy they are, and how relevant they are to “House”


Crawlability basically describes the search engine’s ability to access and crawl content on a page. If a site has no crawlability issues, then web crawlers can access all its content easily by following links between pages

Simply put, the more focus you put into your SEO strategy, the sooner you’ll see the effects. But generally it cant take up to 6 months to see any real changes. It all depends on how competitive the keywords assigned to your website are. 

Content is very important when working with SEO. High-quality content can drive more traffic to your website and increase your visibility. Content should be quality, unique, relevant. The more content the more keywords you can use when ranking. Also, content keeps users on the page longer. If your site has fresh, exciting, or newsworthy information, it will keep visitors on your page longer. 

The easiest way to test this is to go to Google and type in “site:[]” and see if your website pops up. For example, to check if My aurobics was indexed, I would type “” into search engines.

If your website doesn’t pop up after doing this search, then your site isn’t on Google right now. To fix this, add your website to Search Console and submit your sitemap after verifying your site.

Struggling to find your sitemap? Try typing “[]/sitemap.xml” into your browser. In most scenarios, this will pull up your sitemap, or at least redirect you to your sitemap page. If this doesn’t work, then we have a lot of work to do.

Technical SEO in its simple terms refers to the technical aspects of your website that will help your pages rank in search engine results.

The whole point of technical SEO is to help search engine crawlers notice your site over others whose technical SEO is not optimised or poorly optimised and includes:

  • Site speed
  • Quality internal linking structure
  • Eliminating 404 errors
  • Avoiding duplicate content
  • Page speed loading time
  • Mobile friendly 
  • Website security
  • Structured data
  • An XML sitemap

In addition to working well together, SEO and PPC (Pay Per Click) both play important roles in the conversion funnel on their own while still working together. SEO creates awareness and interest through content at the top of the funnel, where as PPC tends to drive users to the bottom of the funnel to take action.